More useful links.
Last Update: 2025-02-16
- Fundamentals of Software Optimization
- What scientists must know about hardware to write fast code
- Computer Optimization: Your Computer Is Faster Than You Think
- What programmers can do to improve the memory performance of their code
- Optimizing software in C++: An optimization guide for Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms
- Bit Twiddling Hacks
- Small-Size Optimization in C
- State machines are wonderful tools
- Making SoA Tollerable
- Magic cache line padding
- 10 Million Concurrent Connections
- Interpreter optimization resources
- Beating Up on Qsort
- Fast character case conversion
- A Quest to Find a Highly Compressed Emoji :shortcode: Lookup Function
- Pointer magic for efficient dynamic value representations
- How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70%
- How we made particles twice as fast through cache optimisation
- Bracket pair colorization 10,000x faster
- 5000x faster CRDTs: An Adventure in Optimization
- Branch predictor: How many "if"s are too many?
- Lossless Image Compression in O(n) Time
- 1,000,000 Concurrent Connections
- Squeezing Last Bit Of JavaScript Performance For My Automation Game
- How fast is javascript? Simulating 20,000,000 particles
- Faster CPython Ideas
- LuaJit Numerical Computing Performance Guide
Computer Science
- Algorithms, 4th Edition
- Open Data Structures
- > cs
- Papers With Code
- BSP Lock and Key
- Natural Path Generation
- The Beauty of Bresenham's Algorithm
- Easing Tutorial & Optimizations
- Pitfall's map generation
- Dirty Game Development Tricks
- Memory Matters: A special RAM edition of Dirty Coding Tricks
- Keeping the Pirates at Bay
- Here's what's really powering Fallout 3's metro train
- Vulkan Tutorial
- Vulkan Guide
- Learn OpenGL
- Modern OpenGL Tutorials
- A Guide to Modern OpenGL Functions
- WebGL Fundamentals
- How video games use LUTs and how you can too
- Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming
- 3D Game Engine Programming
- Real-Time Rendering Resources
- Shader Basics Tutorial
- Getting Started with OpenGL ES 3+ Programming
- Voxel Space
- The Graphics Codex
- Computer Graphics from Scratch
- Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch!
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend
- Tiny renderer or how OpenGL works
- GPU Gems
- Ray Tracing Gems
- Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book
- Graphics Studies Compilation
- Physically Based Rendering
- Shadertoy
- The Book of Shaders
- C# and Shader Tutorials for the Unity Engine
- GPU Optimization for GameDev
- Unity Manual: Optimizing graphics performance
- What's the difference between a technique and a hack?: Some of the techniques used to create MotoGP
- Building a PS1 style retro 3D renderer
- 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
- Classic 3D videogame shadow techniques
- Creating a 2D physics engine from scratch in Javascript
- Fluid simulations with reintegration tracking
- Sonic Physics Guide
- Lou's Pseudo 3d Page
- Creating a pseudo 3D racer
- Mega Drive programming
- A Guide to the Graphics of the Sega Mega Drive
- Raycasting
- Ray casting in 2D game engines
- Things I learned building an 8 bit logo generator
- Sonic Battle (GBA) Renderer Series
- Isometric Blocks
- Isometric depth sorting
- Isometric Projection in Game Development
- Recreating “Yoshi’s Island”
- PICO-8 lighting
- How I make infinite procedural swords
- Neighbour Aware Tile Selection
- Programmer Art
- The Spriters Resource
- 2DWillNeverDie
- Easing functions
- 2D Game Development: From Zero To Hero
- Texture tiling and swizzling
- Image Dithering: Eleven Algorithms and Source Code
- 2D Visibility
- Social network for short js demos
- Demoscene Effects
- 'Memories' demo explained
- Red Eyes (gory technical details)
- My JS1K Demo - The Making Of
- in4k: resources about creation of demoscene 1kb, 4kb and 8kb intros
- Making a falling sand simulator
- Spatial hashing implementation for fast 2D collisions
- A Fast and Simple Quadtree in C#
- Dynamic AABB Tree
- Collision detection Benchmarks
- R-Trees: Adapting out-of-core techniques to modern memory architectures
- Collision Detection
Spatial Hashing
Collision Detection
Game Design
- Designing Virtual Worlds
- Level Design Patterns in 2D Games
- The Theory and Practice of Cameras in Side-Scrollers
- Bug or feature?
- Maze Generation
- Spelunky Lessons
- The Nebraska Problem
- Procedural Content Generation Wiki
- Procedural World
- Project Frontier: A gigantic and complex world from simple data
- How do videogames stay in sync?
- Beginner's Guide to Game Networking
- Fast-Paced Multiplayer
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming
- Introduction to Multiplayer Game Programming
- Unity FPSSample - Takeaways from the "Deep dive into networking" talk
- Fast-Paced Multiplayer Implementation Series
- Explaining how fighting games use delay-based and rollback netcode
- Terraria
- Minecraft
- Diablo II
- Ultima Online
Network Protocol Reference
- Game AI Pro
- F.E.A.R. AI
- Left 4 Dead AI
- FF XV Meta AI
- A-Life, Emergent AI and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
- Efficient Route Planning
- A* Optimizations and Improvements
- Memory-Efficient Abstractions for Pathfinding
- Toward More Realistic Pathfinding
- A GPU Approach to Path Finding
- Jump Point Search
- Jump Point Search Explained
- Jump Point Search: Fast A* Pathfinding for Uniform Cost Grids
- Hierarchical Pathfinding
Design Docs
- The Sims
- Deus Ex
- Fallout vision statement
- Ultima 7 Technical Documents
- Bioshock Pitch
- Game Design Document from famous games
Code Rants
- Too much like the real Terraria source code
- Minecraft 1.8 has so many performance problems that I just don't know where to start with
- Analysis of Network Traffic at Game Startup
- Mike Acton's comments on the Orgre3D engine
- I worked on the port of Metal Gear Solid to PC back in 1999-2000. Here is what I've learned
- Total Annihilation Graphics Engine
- AoE is written in Assembly
Game Hacking
- The Ultimate Game Hacking Resource
- The Ultimate Online Game Hacking Resource
- The Cutting Room Floor
- RetroReversing
- Game Hacking Academy
- Cramming 'Papers, Please' Onto Phones
- Who forgot the 'role' in Role-Playing Games?
- Strategy headroom in roguelikes
- I Want to Bake Bread
- Six Truths About Video Game Stories
- How I ALMOST Made the Game of My Dreams
- A curated list of data oriented design resources
- A Curated List of Game Network Programming Resources
- Amit's Game Programming Information
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- learn-anything/computer-graphics
- gamedev.tutsplus
- Gamasutra
- Game Developer Magazine
- RogueBasin Articles
- vgdensetsu: Concept art, illustrations, cancelled games and obscure stuff
- Interface In Game
- Old Videogame Advertisements
- Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books
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